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Playing Up or Down a Division

  • A player cannot play up more than one age division without SCCSA’s prior written permission.

  • A player must be turning 10 or older to play in competitive games (U11). Coaches and managers should be aware of the physical limitations of young players playing in a higher age division.

  • Females are automatically permitted to play down one age division; no dispensation form is required as per the SCCSA By-Laws. No male player may play down a division without SCCSA’s prior written permission. This must be attached to the Team Sheet Book.

  • “A” division players cannot play in a “B” division game in the same age group or cross-play.

  • U11+ All soccer players (including those playing up) must play 4 (four) fixtures in the same team to be eligible to play in the finals series for that team. Players that play up in a higher division 6 (six) times must remain in the age-division team for the remainder of the season. A player may only play in the final one age group.

Representative Pathways

Representative player trials are held at the end of the season so that squads/teams may be selected for the following year State Titles. Usual teams are: -U10 North, U10 South, U11 North, U11 South, U12 North, U12 South, U13 North, U13 South, U14 North, U14 South, U16 Sth, U16 Nth, U18, Senior Men, Ladies.

Contact Pacific FC for further details.

Only 5 representative players are allowed in one club team unless all the Rep players are


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